call my name and save me from the dark

Tonight was interesting
I was lost in thought tonight
and lost in memories
that i wish i could forget
I told chiara stuff that i havent ever told anyone
it was weird
I wonder why they stick around sometimes
like what they see in me
because right now i dont see very much in myself
I dont know
i just dont know anymore
and i have to explain everything running through my head to casey tomorrow
because i told him i would
oh and chiara because she will be there
I dont know
they are the reason, right now i have to get up in the morning
Why why why?
I have too many problems
Why do people want to get involved?
I dont want this to be like the other times
being screwed over in the end
But i know it wont
I hope it wont
Its too good and i need it too much
for it to go away
we have so much to look forward too
the three of us
Tonight i realized how greatful i am for them
I heard i love you from them like 40 times
more than i have heard it from anyone else these past few months
I needed to hear it
Just being with them made me feel better
Even tho i was still thinking about everything
It made things seem alittle less scary
and made me feel not so much alone
There is no point to this entry
Its just i cant sleep
and i need something
to keep my mind off everything
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