Do you see that?

"Before i come undone"
Sing me a song
Whistle me a tune
tell me a story
a joke
anything to take my mind away from where i am
I watched the sunrise this morning
It was beautiful
Bad dreams last night
and every night this past week
I havent slept in a week
Which adds to my grumpiness
I hate how songs bring back such vivid memories
There are so many things i could stand to forget
and then i will hear a song
and it all comes back
every detail
of every moment
of whatever happened the first time i heard that song
tell me what i have to do to get out of here
i would do anything right about now
CCC forever
thats the only thing good in my life right now
Last night was wonderful
and sad
and blah
but good all the same
just being around them i feel ok
Like nothing bad will happen to me while im with them
and i need that right now
because the rest of the time
i am scared out of my mind
that my world is going to come crashing down around me
Tonight will be another wonderful night
Im doing all right
i promise
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