Heart Dont fail me now

Yesterday and most of today have been the most wonderful days ever!
I picked up the wonderful miss Chiara. Before we left she managed to gracefully fall down her stairs. We headed down a very empty ray road to Starbucks. Coffee was nice after only getting 3 and half hours of sleep the night before. We headed to school, and sang along to the CD she made me. Coincidentally when we walked into school, we were totally awesome and carried our purses on the same arm, our coffee in the same hand and matched. Are we cute or what? We went to first hour, where I got to talk to both her and Casey without getting in any trouble at all. I was very giggly the whole hour. It was an hour and a half of fun, laughing, hair tie fights and talking. The rest of the day was not important
After School:
Chiara and I decided to be wonderful friends and make cookies for our scary movie marathon. We made cute little cookies and laughed a lot. I even took a picture of the cookies. See above. Chiara after taking the first batch out of the oven, said if she could cuddle with cookies she would most definitely cuddle with these. It was the funniest thing I have heard in so long.
That Night:
We then left to pick up Casey. We were ghetto and danced in my car to music all the way. We are ghetto best friends, and coffee and soccer best friends too. Okay so we are all around best friends. And we picked up the other part of our trio. We rocked out to Justin Timberlake all the way to her house. Casey was super cute and knew all the words and danced in the back with the windows down and the music blasting. I love him more and more every day. My best friends are the best ever. Scary movie time. Uh Oh. It was fun. We got scared and so we cuddled. Okay so Chiara and I got scared, and Casey sat between us while we freaked out. But we were cute and cuddled. Don’t you wish you were there? Casey decided to be an ass and scare us like half a million times. But I cant be mad at him, because no matter how bad he scares me, he will turn right around and make me feel better. Got to love it. And I do. 4 hours later, we ended up in the other room, sitting on the couch talking. I zoned out. I was thinking, about a scene in the chucky movie that brought back a lot of bad memories. I fell asleep on Casey for like 20 minutes, which was nice, because I can’t sleep for anything anymore. I drove him home around 1230 and talked. On the way home, I swear I saw someone in my backseat. Which caused me to cry all the way home. I got into my room and talked to Chiara for a long time. I didn’t end up going to sleep until 6.
Turkey Day:
I spent most of the day with Chiara. It was wonderful. She had thanksgiving lunch with us, because we ate really early. And my cousin called me a funny devil. Right… Then I was supposed to go to Chiara’s for dinner but my mom decided I had to stay home. So I’m listening to 99.9 Christmas music and writing this. Today was good. Chiara and I decided what we are doing for the ellies, YAY.
Tomorrow brings prospects of fun. Possibly hanging out with Chiara and Casey and then Babysitting with Casey. 6 kids, which will be crazy like whoa. This weekend is going to kick ass I know it
*Things Im thankful for*
1. Casey and Chiara
2. Theater Company and all the fun there
3. Rob jokes
4. How awesome and incredible Chiara is, how she always listens, and is always there, how She will help anyone, and her big heart and wonderful smile. Thank you for everything, you are the best friend I could ask for, I’m so thankful you moved here and we started hanging out. I love you. And thanks for having lunch here today. I am so grateful for everything you have done for me. Thanks for giving me a reason to wake up in the morning.
5. How Casey is always there, if I’m happy or sad, and if I’m sad he will cheer me up without fail. His wonderful smile, and how he is my best friend. His laugh, his jokes, his stories and how he always listens. Letting me sleep on him and our talks at the park. I am so thankful you came into my life. You are also the best friend I could ask for, and I am so grateful for everything you have done for me. Thank you for making me smile and giving me a reason to wake up in the morning.
6. Park nights with casey and Chiara
7. The CCC
8. My health
9. My family(sometimes)
10. Music without it I would go insane
11. Laughing
12. Cookies
13. Coffee
14. Soccer
15. The cold weather
16. My friends
So much more, but I don’t want to type anymore of them. So many things make me happy right now. I love it.
HAPPY TURKEY DAY! Eat lots of food and be happy. There is so much to be thankful for.
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