you have no idea

Marry Me Please?
Mmmmm Johnny Depp
Pirates comes out December 2nd
If i could spend my life with one celebrity i would pick him
but he's fourty
SO that would be kind of illegal
Considering im only almost 17
1 month and 1 week
Today was a very good day
I actually slept last night
Which resulted in a happy casey this morning
Starbucks tomorrow morning
and then scary movie marathon
Considering the smallest things scare me
I mean
Nothing scares me.
BRRRR its freezing
My parents are too cheap to turn the heat on
but they arent home so i turned it on
Shhhh..... Its our little secret.....
Tomorrow good
Thanksgiving GREAT. Yum food. Im fat i know :)
Friday babysit 6 kids. What did i get myself into?
Saturday Library and hanging out with 2 wonderful people
Sunday who knows
Fun Fun Fun
This kid in my design tech class thinks teachers should have carwashes to get paid
His opinions were squashed by the editor of the newspaper
I think its funny
Hes annoying and a freshman so its okay
My math teacher was sick and kept denying it, even tho he couldnt talk so it was really obvious
and he looks like drew carey
Some one told me i was spoiled because i drive a lancer
umm no, who has to pay it off starting probably this summer?
Oh wait i do...
And i decided sometime today
some people need to grow up
we arent in elementary school anymore
The games are old
This guy in my chemistry class was talking about MENSA and how he took the test.
Yea right
IMPROV show DEC 3rd
Go support some funny kids
Ok thats enough
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