= )
I have the worlds cutest best friends

They make me happier than anyone in the entire world.

Chiara and i take cute pictures of:

Christmas Lights

Ducks ( yea that duck is looking at the camera.)
Sadly we havent taken a pic of the two of us yet
Casey and I

Take cute pictures of

Old Couples

Lame Liscense Plates
and He is very cute/wonderful/amazing

Because he babysits 6 kids with me, and then we have wonderful conversations once they go to bed.
The three of us
and i still need a picture of that
are wonderfully cute Because we
*Cuddle when its cold
* Talk about everything
* Laugh about everything
* Play UNO at starbucks
* Get lost, i mean misplaced at ASU
* Casey breaks the elevator
* drive around randomly talking
* are getting an apartment together
* take cute pictures( even tho i look crappy)
* eat at 5& Diner once a weekend
* almost get arrested together
* All trust eachother
* and cheer eachother up
* love the Monkees and the beatles and justin timberlake
* are ghetto best friends
*Watch scary movies together
And so much more it isnt even funny
I promise more pictures after the next time we hang out.
Tonight was wonderful fun. I dont want to go to much into it. Just know i was incredibly happy the entire night.
Today we managed to get lost, or misplaced, or just take a wrong turn, however casey wants to put it at ASU going to the library. We see a guy looking at porn on the Computer in the Library. We are cute and have fun and laugh. We went to Starbucks and got coffee.
Thanks for making me feel better you guys. I dont know where i would be without either of you.

WOW first picture i actually take of myself that i like
And i have a new appreciation for Casey and CHiara
I cant listen to Senorita, The monkees or the Beatles, or Britney spears, without thinking of casey. And laughing because he is so adorable cute, and wonderful, when he sings in my backseat, to the songs. Or how he knows the monkees by only listening to the first beat. Or how he listens to everything i say. And i feel completely comfortable around him. He has a wonderful smile and personality. He is always willing to help and doesnt like to see his friends sad. And can tell him anything. And have fun, and laugh and How we are going to get an apartment together. HOW THE HELL DID I GET SO LUCKY??
I cant listen to NElly, or Anything ghetto without thinking of Chiara. She is my soccer buddy, and my coffee buddy. We are ghetto best friends. I feel completely comfortable with her, and we laugh about everything. She loves to take pictures, and we like the same music. She is going to get an apartment with us. She completes the CCC and had she not moved here i would cry. She has a wonderful heart, and is always willing to help. Thanks for everything. We are caseys girls and i am so glad im not alone in that. HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY AGAIN?
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