Nobody's listening and i dont care

Last night was Wonderful! I havent had that much fun, in.... Hmmm.. I dont know how long.
Its funny, how i hang out with chiara and casey, and they are so wonderful to begin with, and everytime i hang out with one or the other or both for that fact, they seem to get more and more wonderful. I love it. Chiara always leaves me messages while im away on aim that make me so happy, and Casey just makes me laugh with about anything he says.
Last night was alot of fun. Talking to casey and chiara for a long time and then picking up sam and tina.
More nights like it please?
Ok chiara you hear that? we need to hang out alot more, because you are awesome/wonderful/make me happy
same with casey, sam and tina
Devilish Duo forever!
I finally have some friends who make me happy. Who would have thought? I sure didnt think it would happen.
Apartment better work out. THat would make me very happy. SO would camping, and maybe a roadtrip to flag over christmas break??